Services -------- A :term:`service` is a name for a content object that provides a service to application code. It looks just like any other content object, but services that are added to a site can be found by name using various Substance D APIs. Services expose APIs that exist for the benefit of application developers. For instance, the ``catalogs`` service provides an API that allows a developer to index and query for content objects using a structured query API. The ``principals`` service allows a developer to add and enumerate users and groups. A service is added to a folder via the :meth:`substanced.folder.Folder.add_service` API. An existing service can be looked up in one of two ways: using the :func:`substanced.util.find_service` API or the :meth:`substanced.folder.Folder.find_service` API. They are functionally equivalent. The latter exists only as a convenience so you don't need to import a function if you know you're dealing with a :term:`folder`. Either variant of ``find_service`` will look down the resource hierarchy towards the root until it finds a parent folder that has had ``add_service`` called on it. If the name passed in matches the service name, the object will be returned, otherwise the search will continue down the tree. Note that a content object may exist in the folder with the same name as you're looking for via ``find_service``, but if that object was not added via ``add_service`` (instead it's just a "normal" content object), it won't be found by ``find_service``. Here's how to use :func:`substanced.util.find_service`: .. code-block:: python from substanced.util import find_service principals = find_service(somecontext, 'principals') ``somecontext`` above is any :term:`resource` in the :term:`resource tree`. For example, ``somecontext`` could be a "document" object you've added to a folder. Here's how to use :meth:`substanced.folder.Folder.find_service`: .. code-block:: python principals = somefolder.find_service('principals') ``somefolder`` above is any :class:`substanced.folder.Folder` object (or any object which inherits from that class) present in the :term:`resource tree`. There is also the find-multiple-services variants :func:`substanced.util.find_services` and :meth:`substanced.folder.Folder.find_services`.